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31 Eitz Chaim, pg. 374

Title: 31 Eitz Chaim, pg. 374
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17 Adonai S'fatai Tiftach, pg. 242

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08 Hallelu, pg. 218

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11 Bar'chu, pg. 226

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23 Oseh Shalom, pg. 260

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18 Avot V'imahot, pg. 244

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06 Baruch She-amar, pg. 212

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32 Aleinu, pg. 586 (bottom)

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07 Ashrei, pg. 215

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10 Chatzi Kaddish, pg. 224

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04 Elohai Neshama, pg. 196

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Wed, February 12 2025 14 Sh'vat 5785