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Calendar of Jewish Holidays

Holiday Programs and Resources

Har HaShem offers celebrations for Jewish holidays throughout the year. For additional resources and information on the Jewish holidays from the Union for Reform Judaism, click here.

Rosh HaShanah  
We celebrate the New Year with both family and adult services, followed by tashlich at a creek in the afternoon. This marks the beginning of a period of repentance. Learn More about Rosh HaShanah.

Yom Kippur 
We commemorate the Day of Atonement with both family and adult services. Learn More about Yom Kippur.

We celebrate with an annual evening in the Sukkah and a Sukkot morning service. Learn More about Sukkot.

Simchat Torah 
We celebrate the moment Jews accepted the Torah on Mount Sinai by chanting the last verse of the Torah followed by the first verse, as the Torah is unrolled around the perimeter of the sanctuary. The following morning, we hold a Simchat Torah service with Yizkor (memorial service). Learn More about Simchat Torah.

We have a community menorah lighting during the Friday evening Shabbat service during Chanukah. We gather for a latke dinner. Learn More about Chanukah.  

Tu B'Shvat 
We celebrate Jewish Arbor Day with programs and discussions on the environment. Learn More about Tu B'shvat.

Purim festivities include: Megillah chanting, a Purim Shpiel, a community Purim party, and Mishloach Manot for every Har HaShem household. Learn More about Purim. Watch Har HaShem's Purim Shpiels here.

Har HaShem hosts a seder on the second night of Passover, as well as morning services. Learn More about Passover.

Haver, Boulder's Rabinnic Council, hosts a community-wide Tikkun Leyl Shavuout to celebrate the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Join together for an evening of study, song, and prayer. Learn More about Shavuot.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785